Case Studies


Great Southern Bank Case Study – Harnessing Offshore

How Great Southern Bank delivered an improved user experience and saved months of extra work by using our offshore testing.

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Great Southern Bank (GSB), formerly known as Credit Union Australia (CUA), is Australia’s largest credit unions, contributing to the financial wellbeing of more than 515,000 Australians through its banking, insurance and health insurance services. The credit union has won several prestigious awards from various respected industry organisations over many years, more recently the Mozo Experts’ 2018 Choice for Australia’s Best Credit Union, and Mozo Peoples’ 2018 Choice for Excellent Customer Service, Highly Trusted, and Staff Friendliness.


“Reporting and documentation of defects by Planit is thorough and effective. They attached videos for each defect so that everyone in the team could see outcomes in real time versus our expected outcomes.”

Rosie Attwell
Senior Innovation Analyst, Great Southern Bank

“We put together a brief, identified the scope and were very clear about what we wanted. This innovation required testing partners with extraordinary vision, capability and flexibility, and we owed it to ourselves and our members to shop around for the best possible fit. We found that best possible fit in Planit.

“Planit is an award-winning and recognised leader in software testing and digital solutions, advice, capability and tools. We were already a valued customer of Planit when we expressed interest in using offshore capability for our digital solution.

“There were many aspects that felt right and Planit won our confidence quickly with their understanding of the technical build and testing required. They respected our expertise every step of the way and hit the ground running. Their ability to get up to speed is astonishing.

“The quality and maturity of Planit’s process belies the fact that we are the first client to use their new offshore testing platform. In fact, the offshore portal is the first of its kind built on Salesforce Communities.

“The benefits we have received through Planit’s partnership with us are extensive, measurable and exceeded our expectations in a matter of few weeks. Since launching the new initiative, we’ve seen an increase in sales and there has been strong outperformance of the old website, which is very exciting.

Key Outcomes:

Improved priority setting from detailed testing information.

Months of extra work saved by testing over a wide range of browsers and devices.

Time and cost savings from consistency of testing and knowledge sharing.

Improved user experience from fresh perspectives.

Ease of communication

“They’re a joy to work with and have completely open communication with us. There’s no red tape and they wanted to hear our feedback. It’s like they were integrated with us.

Visibility of issues

“Reporting and documentation of defects by Planit is thorough and effective.

“Firstly, there were 120 defects found. Identifying and resolving these prior to launching the initiative to potential members was vital to ensuring a good user experience and its success from day one.

“They attached videos for each defect so that everyone in the team could see outcomes in real time versus our expected outcomes. Everything was colour coded for us so we could see any showstoppers instantly.

“Planit’s ability to prioritise and categorise enabled us to focus on anything critical and speed up the launch. Our operations manager was even able to overlay Planit’s reports with our online analytics, which provided us with detailed information and an even better way to set our priorities.

Accelerated delivery

  • Technical assurance – Planit’s ability to test over a wide range of browsers and devices gave us considerable confidence. We could never have replicated that sheer breadth of capacity they delivered over a couple of days. This saved us from potentially months of extra work.
  • Consistency of testers – Knowledge was shared with both sides and everyone was always on the same page. This delivered extraordinary time and cost savings for us. 
  • Fresh perspective – Planit tested like a prospect or member might, which improved our user experience. This spanned the user journey, UX, and UI, all from the lens of the user.
  • A genuine partnership – Planit is proactive, supportive, and pre-emptive. They were aware of the stress we were under and worked with us through to the last step.

Improved experience for members

“The paid sales are exceeding expectations set for the trial. We can show our results and everything is working properly.

“This shows that Planit is the right kind of partner for us. They’ve provided excellent value and great support for us, our members, and prospects.

Increased product quality and optimised app performance
“Planit’s UX and UI experience led to unexpected added value. For example, they uncovered insights that changed and improved the user flow.

Commitment to continuous improvement

“We enjoyed working with Planit. They understood our business and are aligned with our goals completely.

“Planit is a quality, high value, talented, easy, insightful, trustworthy, proactive, and pre-emptive partner. We recommend using them, since they work with you and the outcomes we achieved were definitely better for it.”

Rosie Attwell, Senior Innovation Analyst
Derek Cooper, Senior Technical Lead

Great Southern Bank
Brisbane, QLD

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Deliver More Quality and Value

Offshore testing can be a highly powerful addition to your projects. Not only does it offer cost-efficiency, but it also frees up your valuable internal resources to focus on your top priorities while delegating QA to a specialist team.

Find out how you can gain immediate access to a fully cohesive team of quality professionals ready to add instant value to your project, and avoid the hassle and cost associated with assembling, managing, and maintaining a world-class testing team in-house.

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