

Customer Survey Results, May 2020

In our May 2020 Customer Survey, we gauged how these organisations were impacted by COVID-19, how they reacted and how well we supported them throughout the disruption.

As COVID-19 hit, we were in a position to fully mobilise and pivot with our customers to help them meet the immense new challenges they were facing. In our survey, 96% were satisfied or very satisfied with our ability to deliver remotely during the height of the pandemic. Looking forward, 83% could cite no areas for improvement in our partnership and relationship as the world enters a “new normal”.

Below is a summary of what our customers had to say about us. To find out how they dealt with the pandemic, what challenges it presented, and how they turned them into opportunities, then read the full report. The analysis is also supported by third party research from Gartner, Microsoft and more.

What were the biggest challenges in pivoting to C-19?

What benefits will you take forward post C-19?

What will your business prioritise post C-19?

What will your business prioritise post C-19?

How do you rate Planit’s response and support through C-19?

Did Planit’s approach alleviate your concerns?

How can Planit improve our support post C-19?

What were your initial concerns when moving to remote delivery with Planit?

How would you prefer to engage with Planit post C-19?

Do you anticipate changing your FTE resource model post C-19?

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